1 + 1 Productions
Rap Tour
The Youth Company ~ TYC
Young Adult Acting Group
"Them Women Got The Spirit"
"Shakespeare's Women"
"The Strong Black Woman"
"For Colored Girls..."
"Let's Talk"
Beside The Man
Accomplished Black Women
Harlem Renaissance

1plus1 Productions

The Woman Beside The Man

It is an intense and volatile time in American History.  There is great turbulence in the nation.  The rights of African Americans are finally being addressed.  This is the time for a darker race of people to collectively take a stand... in the name of justice, freedom, and liberty.
It is a warm summer night in Mississippi, 1963.  A lone shot rings out... Medgar Evers lies slain on his front lawn as his children look out in terror through their living room window.
It is February 21, 1965, while addressing a group of Muslims in New York, Al Hajj Malik Shabaaz, (Malcolm X) is assassinated.  His four daughters bare witness to the slaughter of their father.  While his bloody body lie on the Auditorium floor, head cradled in his wife's arms, his children and onlookers are in utter shock.
April 4, 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stands on the balcony of a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee.  While talking with Jesse Jackson he bends over to tie his shoe... a single bullet penetrates his neck and kills him.  The world is in a state of shock.  A peacekeeper, man of justice, an equal rights forerunner... slain by a violent act of terror. 
That decade also saw the lives of two prestigious brothers assassinated, President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Senator Robert Francis Kennedy. 
Three widows kept at the tasks their husbands undertook.  They were champions, and their men would be proud!
Coretta Scott King - Conni Blair
Betty Shabaaz - Renee Matthews-Jackson
Eva Withers-Evans - Myrlie Evers
Voices in Song & Sentiment - Geraldine Washington


Coretta Scott King, widow of Dr. Martin Luther King, right, listens while Myrlie Evers-Williams, right, speaks during a memorial service for Betty Shabazz at Riverside Church in the Harlem section of New York, June 29, 1997. Shabazz, the widow of Malcolm X, died nearly a month after she was burned in a fire at her home. Thousands attended the service.

"You can kill a man but not an idea" Medgar Ever
"Let freedom ring!" Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The wife is Malcom X
Betty Shabazz: Her Life With Malcolm & Fight to Preserve His Legacy- Russell John Rickford

Coretta Scott King, Betty Shabaaz, and Merylie Evers continued the good fight their husbands began.Three of America's most fervent female survivors speak as one. Even with their bitter losses, in their own voices, these conscientious women speak strongly against injustice, maltreatment, and discontentment. They proclaim the triumph and great success of their husbands, and a continued quest for civil liberties for all Americans. This production stirs the audience with its moving accounts of reality. The play has mountains and valley's that we must re-visit to entreat the progression of marching onward.

A must see for all generations.

For Tour information and Scheduling:

"Edutainment At Its Finest"