1 + 1 Productions
Rap Tour
The Youth Company ~ TYC
Young Adult Acting Group
"Them Women Got The Spirit"
"Shakespeare's Women"
"The Strong Black Woman"
"For Colored Girls..."
"Let's Talk"
Beside The Man
Accomplished Black Women
Harlem Renaissance

1plus1 Productions


Young  Adult   Acting  Group

Y.A.A.G. is a Conservatory of Writers and Actors that address relationship issues that young adults face in the 21st Century.
"I just want to be adored..." is the first of many performances coming in August of 2012. 
YAAG performs original Staged Readings that deal with Young Adult relationships.  We write, research, rehearse, and perform works that we have written from life experiences and our vivid imaginations.

"Don't tell me you love me on our second date.  It doesn't fly with me because you don't know me, not yet so, how could you love me already?"  ~Bru Bru

Come out and join us
Every Sunday 
3:30 PM 
1690 Lander Rd. in Mayfield, Ohio.
For details contact Renee Matthews-Jackson, Director
(216) 280-0102

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"Edutainment At Its Finest"