1 + 1 Productions
Rap Tour
The Youth Company ~ TYC
Young Adult Acting Group
"Them Women Got The Spirit"
"Shakespeare's Women"
"The Strong Black Woman"
"For Colored Girls..."
"Let's Talk"
Beside The Man
Accomplished Black Women
Harlem Renaissance

1plus1 Productions

Rhythms of the Renaissance I & II

"...I wonder where I'm gonna die, being neither white nor black?"
Langston Hughes - last line "CROSS"

Langston Hughes


Margaret Walker


Zora Neale Hurston


The Harlem Renaissance paved the way for many artists that strut their stuff today.  The likes of Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Margaret Walker, Zora Neale Hurston, Duke Ellington, Marion Anderson, Billie Holiday, James Weldon Johnson, and countless other greats made it possible for this generation to shine."Rhythms of The Renaissance, I & II", shares the joys and sorrows of an extraordinary era in the history of the arts, and the African-American community with music, dance, literature, and more.
Excerpt from - The Party by Paul Laurence Dunbar
"Dey had a gread big party down ta Tom's da other night!
Was I dere?  You bet!  I nevah in my life seed such a sight
All da folks from fo plantations was invited and de come
De come troopin' thick as chilluns when dey here's da fife and drum..."
Excerpt from - Dust Tracks on The Road by Zora Neale Hurston
"There is no great sorrow dammed up in my soul
nor lurking behind my eyes,
I do not mind at all. 
I do not belong to the sobbing school of Negro-hood
who hold that life has somehow given them a low-down dirty deal,
and whose feelings are all hurt about it. 
Even in the Helter Skelter skirmish that is my life,
I have found that life is to the strong,
regardless of a little pigmentation, more or less. 
No, I do not weep at the world,
I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife! 
I have been discriminated against but it doesn't make me angry! 
It merely astonishes me...
How could any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? 
It's beyond me!"
Excerpt from Song Inspite of Myself by Countee Cullen
"Never love with all you heart
It only ends in aching:
And bit by bit to the smallest part
That organ will be breaking.
Never love with all your mind.
It only ends in fretting,
In musing on sweet joys behind
too poigant for forgetting..."
This staged reading has toured the Midwest since 1993, performing in White Plains, New York for the nuns of Ursuline College, at the African-American Jubilee in Wheeling, West Virginia, Capital University for the Black Studies Department, The Black Studies Unity Group of Ohio State University, and The Banana Factory for world renowned visual artist, Curlee Holten in Pennsylvaina.  The culmination of this production has two special guests that mix the music of the 20's and 30's with the rap stye of today.  This is a must see performance!
"Conni and Renee bring poetry from the page to the stage with an absolute dramatic flare."
--Prestor Picket-- CSU Black Studies
"These women are phenomenal in their understanding of the written word.  They bring Harlem Renaissance Poet to life with their , 'Rhythms of the Renaissance' production"
--Donal Jolly-- Principal, John Hay Senior High
"Once you've seen their show about the accomplishments of America's Black Women, you will no doubt want to see other productions" 
--Sister Mary Katherine-- Ursuline College
WOMEN OF SEASON is a group of women that all women can closely relate to.  Their message is stellar and worthy of ovation." 
--Carl Williams-- Founder, African International Festival
"Never in my history as a college professor have I seen my students become so mesmerised at literature, you ladies have helped my efforts to bring the the voices of the Harlem Renaissance artists to life..." 
Sister Mary Margaret, Ursuline College, Lynhurst, Ohio

For Tour information and Scheduling:

"Edutainment At Its Finest"