1 + 1 Productions
Rap Tour
The Youth Company ~ TYC
Young Adult Acting Group
"Them Women Got The Spirit"
"Shakespeare's Women"
"The Strong Black Woman"
"For Colored Girls..."
"Let's Talk"
Beside The Man
Accomplished Black Women
Harlem Renaissance

1plus1 Productions

Woman I Am

"...and ain't I a woman..." - Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth

Dr. Maya Angelou, Ph.D

"Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high...Still I'll rise." Maya Angelou

The accomplishments of Black women have gone unsung.  This 60 minute staged reading heralds those achievements with song, poetry, drama, dance, and music.  The astounding efforts of Phillis Wheatley, Sojourner Truth, Hattie McDaniel, Bessie Smith, Leotine Price, Marian Anderson, and countless others  are acknowledged in this spiritually inspiring, and heartwarming production.  The diverse eloquence of the women portrayed in this production is worthy of great esteem, and acclaim.   Audiences laugh in the face of adversity, and cry triumphant tears of joy.
"...like exquisite butterflies trapped in an evil honey toiling away their lives in a world that viewed them as mules..." Jean Toomer
"Woman I Am" gives gracious  reverence, while highlighting the influences of these wondrous women, even after outlandish atrocities.   "...still I rise...".

Marian Anderson

"I cannot stress too strongly how significant a role the audience plays in any concert..."
 Marian Anderson, My Lord, What a Morning

For Details and Scheduling:

"Edutainment At Its Finest"